
Wind Farms


Ownership of site

Scotland is a windy country and there are many promising sites for Wind Farms. We can find just the major landowners for any possible site or can find all the ownerships within the site. We take all our information from public records and do not speak to anyone on the ground, so no-one will know of your interest in a site until you are ready to approach the owners.

Wayleaves and Access Rights

Finding a site is just the start of the process. We can assist with other aspects of the development. You may require wayleave rights to reach the nearest electricity connection and we can find the owners of the land through which this runs. These huge wind turbines can be difficult to manoeuvre around corners on rural roads and we can find the owners of land on the sides of access roads to allow you to either go on this or oversail it.

What do you need to send?

All we need from you is a map showing the land for which you wish us to find the owner. If you already have any idea of a possible owner, this can be of assistance. We are happy to provide estimates and assure you that any information you provide will be treated in the strictest confidence.

0131 623 513814/2, 14/2 West Savile Terrace, Edinburgh, Midlothian, EH9 3DZ
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