
Registers Direct


Landownership Scotland is a confidential service that carries out professional searches of Scottish property records, here you can find more information on the service.

Registers Direct

The Search Sheets were formed by either writing or pasting copies of abridgements (summaries) of deeds into large volumes. These have now all been scanned on to computer and, with the exception of the First Series, are available online through Registers Direct.

A fee of £3 plus VAT has to be paid to the Registers for every search sheet examined, so the cost can soon escalate for the uninitiated. Through experience, a professional searcher can minimise the number of search sheets required to be examined, but for a complex search the official dues can mount up and these will be passed on as part of the final fee.

The Land Register is also available through Registers Direct, with each "hit" incurring a fee of £3 plus VAT, so the cost again can mount for the inexperienced user.